Volunteered for the Islam Awareness Week on the 15th-19th March.
Did gain a lot from the experience.
Terasa sgt rendah diri when compared to all other brothers and sisters who can confidently explain about Islam to others.
Guy: Why are you wearing this headscarf? *points to the hijab*
Me: Well, Allah asks us to. and I just obey since He's the Creator and the Almighty
Guy: Just because of that?
Me: Yes~~ at first it is hard since I wear it when I was 13. But later on I realize that what He asks us to do is probably what's best for us. He's our Creator and He knows what's best for His creations. *and tertambah dlm hati "and whatever happens, that's because it's the best for you. He knows what's best."*
Sila tumbuk diri sendiri. Pandai cakap je. Xreti2 nk buat.
Senang je nk ckp "He knows what's best"
Tapi susah sgt nk apply dlm real life.
Part hijab boleh plak. Part lain xreti2 ke nk fikir cmtu?
Tumbuk lg skali.
Xpe. Cuba lagi.
Jom jadi baik.
saje nk mencapub.. weee~
ok, nk tgk bola. bye :D
gile awin!
comelnyee budak tuhhh!
budak mane?
yg jd peng-komen ni-lah!
bukan yg mencapub seperti di atas tuh!hahahaha
jom gelakkk-kn budak tueee!
erk, ampun-kan beta tuan hamba!
LOL! ni awin ke ni? asal cm gile semacam je.. takuuuut.. :P
jom jd baek! susah kut nk buat..
haishhh.. byk sgt komen ngn alasan.. -.-'
sokong 100%.
haih kenapa susah kita nak jadik mcm apa yang Dia nak? T.T
nak tengok bola? ko layan bola gak ke?
oi lagu kt blog ko ni boleh tahan gak best.
shida: kaaaaan? hmm.. everybody has their own personal struggle.. and this had been mine since a long time ago.. :(
sidqi: layan gk la.. cume skrg jarang.. aritu sapet br bg link nk tgk.. so, ape lg.. haha.. best kaaaan.. ko nk ke lagu ni? :P
haha aku dah download pun lagu ni. ;D
LOL!! bagus2.. nnt klu ade lagu best lg kte letak kt blog kte, ko dgr pastu ko download k? :)
sarah, kite ade lg gmbr2 awk ngn poster ni. nak?haha
heheh.. malu la~~ *lempang jap*..
tp nak! :D
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