Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's a complete circle now, Sarah.

Full pergantungan pada Allah. Cakap senang. Nak buat, susah. I admit. It's hard for me. Why? Because my "either or" decision has some biased towards the "either" rather than the "or". So to accept there might be chances the "or" would happen is hard. Extremely hard. Impossibly done when I think about it sometimes.

Let's put it this way.

You want to buy a candy *an apple chocolate I might add*. You know it's not good for you, but you seem to like it so much. It's easier to just buy the chocolate and eat it rather than not buying the apple kan~


Coz your decision on buying the candy is parallel to what you want, whereas not buying it is a total opposite on what you really want eventhough it might be good for you. Geddit? *abaikan this post kalau xpaham*
Hey you!
Bukan melawan kuasa Allah. Bukan juga rase diri ni pandai sgt. Bukan juga sbb xbersyukur. It is just so damn hard. Saya tak kuat. Lemah even. Benda kecik je pun dah jatuh. Come on lah. Get up! *I want to but I don't think I can*

"Anak ayah kuat kan~"

Mane budak tu? Hilang ke? COME ON!!!! GET UP!!! DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP SITI SARAH AZMAN!!
EXTREMELY pissed-off dgn diri sendiri..

"people don't like reading emo posts la sarah. takpe. i was hoping no one will read this"


Daffodil said...

!!i read this!!!
blog means what??^-^

i know how do u feel my dear~~
it happened to me..sometimes.

"anak ayah kuat kan?"

ye!!!anak ayah kuattttt!!
kalah malek noor!huuuuuuhhhh!

baby syg, win pun ngah pening2 lalat neh..rase nk terjun dlm rideau canal yg belum berais lg tu jerkkk..(altho i know this sounds stupid!)..takleh lari dri masalah! we need to face it!

jom jerit kuat2:
"wehhh, nk lawan aku ye??mehhh laaa!!aku tak takot lahhhhhhh!!!ini anak ayah okeyyyyyyyy!!!"

smile baby!!
i'm here for u!
And Allah is always beside u!
seek Him!doaa, ok!
erk, doakan win jugakkk~~huhu

nanti kalau rasa nk g skate, ajak awinsuperCOMEL ini tawwww!!!!

sarah.azman said...

ahaha.. thanks awin~
rugilaaah xjoin ski aritu..

nnt klu ktorg rajin nk g skating ktorg ajak awin yg extremely comel ni ye..

tp ktorg g library xnk ikut? :P

awin! esok swimming jom!

ishida said...

hey you siti sarah azman!
awak kawan siti norshidah ab aziz kan?
kalo mcm tu,awak mesti kuat!
don't ever give up sarah!
lemah x bermaksud kalah.
bangun and fight sarah!
boleh punyeee.
*rase mcm paham and harap2 aku faham post nih*lols :p

farra said...

yaaaa, saraahhh...~~~
awak pun kawan siti farah kannnnn~~
pretty sure I understand dis post :p

you better not to give up girl!
or else malam ni tido kat luaq w/o ur tilam :p ~~
hihihi :p

sarah.azman said...

haha.. amboi~ gertak pkai tilam nampak.. :P

thanks korg..

ishida said...

suke komen farra.
lets make her sleeping in the kitchen w/o her sweet comfy bed!
okay kidding!he he he

Daffodil said...

no probs!

hello..jgn sebut psl ski lg!!!huaaaa
nangis da nehhh~~~T_T

lib?nak jeeee!win dok sakit2 la syg..arini baru baik=)

swim?hehe..esok still abc..ahad karang dah tak abc..g ahad nakkk??
erk, kalo nk laahhh..hehe
btw, esok bukak ehhh?

sarah.azman said...

esok yg pompuan pnye bukak gak.. kte ingt nk g esok same farah n tiqah kut.. huhu.. rugi awin xgi ski.. xbes ohhh awin xjoin..

sampai hati korg eyh nk suh kte tido kt dapur.. dah la sejuk.. fine~ kte angkat tilam kte sorg2 g bilik kte blk.. :P